How to create and manage mailing lists in cPanel

Mailing lists allow you to send emails to multiple recipients in one go. This feature is very useful when you need to send a newsletter or another update to a group of people.
NOTE: In order to prevent spam sending on servers we have implemented the following outgoing limits for our shared packages (so, if you have a mailing list with 20 recipients, 20 emails will be sent out):
- Stellar plan – no more than 50 emails per hour per domain
- Stellar Plus plan – no more than 200 emails per hour per domain
- Stellar Business plan – 10000 emails per hour per domain
- old Value, Professional, Reseller plans – no more than 200 emails per hour per domain
- old Ultimate plan – no more that 500 emails per hour per domain
- old Business SSD plan – no more than 1000 emails per hour per domain
Creating a mailing list in cPanel:
cPanel allows you to create mailing lists in several clicks:
1. Log into your cPanel, navigate to the Email section and click on Mailing Lists:
For cPanel Basic Theme:
For cPanel Retro Theme:
2. In the next window:
- Enter the mailing list name in the List Name text box
- Select a domain from the Domain menu
- Enter a strong password for your mailing list
- Select one of the following access types:
Public: subscriptions are open
Private: the administrator must approve subscriptions
Click on Add:
Once done, you will see a message about the successful mailing list creation.
Managing mailing lists
All the mailing lists you've created can be found in the Current Lists section:
- List Name: name of your Mailing List
- Usage: amount of the disk space that the mailing list uses
- Access: private or public
- Administrator: mailing list administrators
- Functions: administrative functions for the mailing list:
- Delete: the mailing list will be removed
- Change Password: allows changing the mailing list password without having to fill in the old one
- Manage: redirects to the mailing list management dashboard
Delegation assigns administrative rights to available users. Use arrows to add/exclude selected users from the list of administrators and click Save:
Among the most common tools to manage your mailing lists with, you can find the following ones:
General options
- Passwords: change list ownership passwords
- Language options: set default and supported languages for your mailing lists
Membership Management
- Membership List: list of currently subscribed users
- Mass Subscription: subscribe new users or send invitations. You should only add a required email address into a corresponding field (2) or import it from a file (3). Once done, click Submit Your Changes (4).
Mass Removal option removes users from your mailing list
Privacy options
- Subscription rules: this section allows you to configure subscription and membership exposure policy
- Sender filters: this section contains the controls for moderation of both member and non-member postings
- Recipient filters: this section allows you to configure various filters based on the recipient of the message
- Spam filters: this section allows you to configure various anti-spam filters posting filters, which can help reduce the amount of spam your list members end up receiving
That's it!
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